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Postdoc/Research Assistant Position Available

A postdoc/research assistant position is open for a project under the School
of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The successful candidate will conduct research and development in the areas
of P2P media streaming. He/she will also be involved in the implementation a
nd demonstration of the technology showcases.
The contract is initially for one year with a competitive salary, but may
extend to two years depending on the performance. The research assistant
position may potentially be upgraded to a PhD candidacy if that is deemed to be desirable from both sides.
Applicants for the position should satisfy the following requirement.
1. A phd degree (for postdoc) or a master degree (for research assistant) in
Computer Science (preferred) or a related discipline.
2. Skilled in programming (C, C++, Java, ...) and developing application
prototypes; experience in building P2P systems is a plus.
3. Research experience in the areas of multimedia protocols and neworking.
To apply, please contact me at junluo@ntu.edu.sg. For background of my
research, please check my website at http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/junluo/





