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MMASN 2009 -> Submission Now

  [We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]
                           Call for Papers (third round)
2009 International Workshop on Mobile, Multimedia, Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks
                            (MMASN 2009)
                         In conjunction with
  The 8th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing
                             (PICOM 2009)
Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks have received tremendous attentions from both academic
community and industry field for many years, since these networks are the key
underlying infrastructure for realizing next generation networking and computing,
e.g., ubiquitous computing, 4 G all IP networks. Along with the fast development
on the hardware and embedded systems, Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks are further
developed towards a large number of mobile & multimedia applications, e.g., video
surveillance, traffic enforcement and control systems, advanced health care
delivery, structural health monitoring, and industrial process control. To
eventually realizing these mobility & multimedia technologies combined applications,
a lot of efforts are still needed from both academic community and industry field,
since the requirements on supporting both mobility and multimedia streaming in
Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks positioned many challenging issues, e.g., mobile
network self-organization, limited resource intelligent allocation, cross-layer
optimization, and intelligent content-aware transmission.
In this workshop, we solicit research papers on all aspects of mobile, multimedia,
Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks. Especially, we are interested in the research submissions
focusing on the following four key aspects: 1) Congestion control problem: when
multiple multimedia source nodes are deployed in wireless multimedia sensor networks,
and they try to send out the streaming data to a single base station at the same time,
a well designed congestion control scheme is essentially necessary; 2) Mobility
support problem: when both multimedia source nodes and sink node can be mobile, it is
easy to see that there is an opportunity to apply the game theory to further solve
some more complicated optimization problems; 3) Duty-cycle support problem: when
sensor nodes in the wireless multimedia sensor networks are random duty-cycled based,
the network topology and connectivity of sensor networks can change from time to time.
It is important to further investigate a cross layer optimized sensor node sleeping
scheduling scheme to guarantee the network connectivity for packet delivery; 4) Target
tracking problem: when multiple video sensor nodes are deployed to tracking a certain
target in the sensor networks, it is important to further explore the collaboration
between multiple video sensor nodes for facilitating the target tracking task.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together state-of-the-art research
contributions, tutorials, and position papers that address these key aspects of mobile,
multimedia Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks. Original papers describing completed and
unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/magazine/conference/
workshop are solicited.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Scalable and flexible network architectures, deployments, and heterogeneous applications
* New middleware, system, and underlying infrastructure
* Semantic annotation for multimedia streams processing and management
* Protocols for supporting real-time and reliable multimedia streaming
* Energy-efficient multimedia gathering, transmission, traffic management, and sensor data
* Scalability and mobility issues in cross-layer design, and optimization for effective
* Context/content aware approaches for facilitating multimedia streaming
* Secure multimedia streaming and transmission, QoS and admission control
* Cooperative transmission for multimedia delivery, and collaborative in-network
* Experimental and test bed studies, simulation tools
* Joint multimedia processing and communication solutions
* Low-bit rate and energy-efficient multimedia source coding
* Capacity modeling, performance analysis, and theoretical analysis
* Topology control and synchronization protocols
* Delay-tolerant networking and physical layer technologies
* Distributed source coding, and lightweight multimedia encoding techniques
* Multimedia aggregation and fusion, and multimedia sensor coverage
* In-network and distributed storage techniques
* MIMO techniques for multimedia delivery
* Multimedia traffic on cognitive radio networks
Important Dates:
* Submission Deadline:  September 1, 2009 (EST)
* Acceptance Notice:    October 1, 2009
* Final Manuscript:     October 15, 2009
* Publication Date:     December 12-14, 2009
Submission Instructions
Prospective authors should follow the manuscript requirement of PICOM 2009 and submit papers
to: lei.shu@ieee.org and minchen@ece.ubc.ca
Accepted papers will appear in PICom-09 proceedings to be published by IEEE Computer Society
Press (pending) and to be indexed by EI.
Distinguished papers accepted and presented in MMASN 2009, after further revisions, will be
published in the special issues of the following journals:
* International Journal of Sensor Networks,
  Special Issue on "Multimedia Data Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks"
* International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems,
  Special Issue on "Mobile, Multimedia, Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks"
Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
Lei Shu, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
Min Chen, University of British Columbia, Canada
Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology, China
Guangjie Han, Hohai University, China
Wen Ji, Institute of Computing Technology, China
Technical Program Committee
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Changhoon Lee, Hanshin University, Korea
Chonggang Wang, NEC Labs of America, USA
Canfeng Chen, Nokia Research Center, China
Deqing Zou, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China
Guangjie Han, Hohai University, China
Han-Chieh Chao, Ilan University, Taiwan
Hui Chen, Virginia State University, USA
Jiming Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Jiehang Zhou, University of Oulu, Finland
Jinlei Jiang, Tsinghua University, China
John Breslin, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Liang Zhou, ENSTA, Paris Tech, France
Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology, China
Myong-Soon Park, Korea University, Korea
Mingchu Li, Dalian University of Technology, China
Naixue Xiong, Georgia State University, USA
Nicolas Sklavos, Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece
Qin Xin, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Sajid Hussain, Acadia University, Canada
Sangheon Pack, Korea University, Korea
Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea
Shiguo Lian, France Telecom R&D Beijing Center, China
Tomoki Yoshihisa, Osaka University, Japan
Tommi Mikkonen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Weiqiang Xu, Zhejiang University, China
Weiwei Fang, Beihang University, China
Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China
Xiaodong Lin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Xuedong Liang, University of Oslo, Norway
Xiaohu Ge, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Zhiwen Yu, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Zhangbing Zhou, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
