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ACM MobiCom 2009 CFP

ACM MobiCom 2009
15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
September 20-25, 2009
Beijing, China
Important dates:
Abstract submission due: March 5, 2009 11:59 PST
Paper submission due: March 12, 2009 11:59 PST
Notification of acceptance: June 19, 2009
Camera ready due: July 15, 2009
The annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, is the fifteenth in a series of annual conferences sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE dedicated to addressing the challenges in the areas of mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking. MobiCom 2009 will be held in September in Beijing.
由ACM SIGMOBILE主办的年度的移动计算和网络国际研讨会(MobiCom)是这个领域的顶级会议,一直致力于解决移动计算和无线移动网络领域问题与挑战。本年度MobiCom将是第15届,将于2009年9月20日至25日在北京举行。这也是MobiCom第一次在亚洲举办。
The MobiCom conference series serves as the premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms, and applications that support mobile computers and wireless networks. MobiCom is a highly selective conference focusing on all issues in mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking at the link layer and above. Besides the regular conference program, MobiCom09 will also include a set of workshops and tutorials, panels, research demos and exhibits, and a poster session that includes the ACM Student Research Competition. More information on these activities, including submission deadlines, can be found at http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2009/ .
MobiCom作为解决网络、系统、算法、应用等问题的最好国际会议,关注的焦点集中在移动计算和无线移动网络的链路层及上层各方面。 除了常规的会议议程之外,本届MobiCom’09将包括一系列专题讨论会以及教程、专门小组讨论会、研究演示和展览,以及包括ACM学生科研成果比赛在内的科研成果海报展示。 关于这些活动的详细信息以及相关的截止日期,请查询网站http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2009/。
PAPERS: Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting new research related to the theory and/or practice of mobile computing and/or wireless and mobile networking. All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another conference or journal. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile systems and applications (移动系统及其应用的设计、实现和评价)
* Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing and networking (支持移动计算和网络的操作系统以及中间设备)
* Fundamental understanding of mobile computing and wireless networking (移动计算以及无线网络的重要基本理解)
* Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with mobility, limited bandwidth, limited power and/or intermittent connectivity(移动计算以及无线网络的重要基本理解)
* Wireless and mobile techniques for delay-tolerant, mobile ad hoc, and wireless sensor networks (解决移动性、有限带宽、有限能源以及低连通性等问题的结构、协议以及算法)
* Security, privacy, and trustworthiness of mobile and wireless systems (移动无线网络的安全性、保密性以及可信性)
* Wireless access technologies (e.g. mesh systems, personal area networks)(无线接入技术(例如:网状网系统、个人区域网络))
* Integration and interworking of wired and wireless networks(有线和无线网络的整合及互联)
* Protocols exploiting novel technologies such as UWB, MIMO, directional antennas, and software radios (开发利用UWB、MIMO、有向天线和软件无线电等新技术的协议)
* Techniques for dynamic spectrum use (动态频谱使用技术)
* Architectures, algorithms and protocols for cognitive wireless networks and their integration in the Internet (有关认知无线网络以及如何将这种网络融入互联网的结构、算法和协议)
* Modeling, simulation, emulation and measurement of mobile systems(移动系统的建模、模拟、仿真和测量)
* Experimental test-beds for mobile/wireless networks(移动/无线网实验测试床)
* Performance evaluation of mobile and wireless networks, protocols, and systems (移动无线网络、协议、系统的性能评价)
* Next generation (beyond 802.11) wireless technologies and related systems and protocols (下一代(后802.11)无线技术和相关的系统和协议)
MobiCom09 will be a diverse conference and we strongly encourage the submission of mobile systems, experimental and theoretical papers. The program committee will evaluate each paper using metrics that are appropriate for the topic area. For example, a systems or experimental paper in the protocol area will be evaluated based on the innovations in the protocol design, practical implementation, and realistic evaluation, whereas a more theoretical paper may be evaluated mostly based on innovation within the algorithm design. At the same time, the evaluation of wireless and mobile networking technologies is challenging because of the significant impact that the physical environment has on performance. For this reason, all papers must carefully describe and justify the evaluation methodology that is used and identify its strengths and weaknesses. Wireless and mobile networks are being used in a wide variety of application contexts, such as sensor networks, pervasive computing, disruption tolerant networking, and vehicular networks. Papers that describe research and experimentation in such environments are encouraged, but the focus of such papers should be on addressing challenges associated with mobility and wireless networking.
The program committee will referee all papers, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
CHALLENGES PAPERS: The conference strongly encourages the submission of short papers in the field of mobile computing and wireless networking that present revolutionary new ideas or that challenge existing assumptions prevalent among the research community. These "challenges papers" should provide stimulating ideas or visions that may open up exciting avenues and/or influence the direction of future research. Descriptions of new products or evolution of existing work are not appropriate topics for papers in this category. While an exhaustive evaluation of the proposed ideas is not necessary, insight and in-depth understanding of the issues is expected. Challenges papers will be reviewed by the MobiCom program committee and will be part of the technical program and published in ACM MobiCom proceedings. They should be submitted using the same submission procedure adopted for the full papers. The title of these papers must start with the word "Challenges:" i.e., "Challenges: Rest of the Title."
挑战性论文:本次会议非常鼓励能够在移动计算和无线网络领域内提出革命性想法或者对当下研究界正热门的现有假设提出挑战的短篇论文。这些“挑战性论文”需要提供有启发性的想法或者设想,这些想法或者设想有可能开拓出新的研究之路,影响未来研究的方向。新产品描述或者基于现有成果的演变不太适合作为这一范围内的论文论题。虽然没有必要对拟议想法进行详尽的评估,但是对这些问题的深刻见解和理解是我们所期望的。挑战性论文将由MobiCom程序委员会进行评价,是技术程序的一部分,并将发表在ACM MobiCom论文集中。这些论文必须按照常规论文所采用的提交流程进行提交。这些论文的题目必须以“Challenges”开头,例如:“Challenges: Rest of the Title”。
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should prepare a PDF or PostScript version of their full paper. Papers must be no longer than 12 pages (8 pages for "Challenges" papers), in font size no smaller than 10 points, and must fit properly on US "Letter"-sized paper (8.5x11 inches) with 1-inch margins. Detailed instructions on the paper submission procedure and format will be available on the conference web pages. The deadline for registering the title and the abstract of the paper with our electronic submission system is March 5, 2009 and the deadline for submitting the actual paper is March 12, 2009. All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Authors' names must not appear in the paper or in the PostScript or PDF file. Submitted papers (or substantially similar papers) must not be currently under review for any other publication. Please direct any questions about the paper submission process to the Program Co-Chairs at mobicom09_pcchairs@acm.org.
提交说明:所有论文的提交都将以电子方式处理。作者必须准备一份PDF或者PostScript版本的论文。论文长度不得超过12页(挑战性论文为8页),字体大小不得小于10 磅,版面大小能够与留有1英寸边页空白的美国信纸大小(8.5x11英寸)的纸张相符。详细的论文提交流程说明能够在会议网页上找到。在我们的电子提交系统上,登记论文题目和论文概要的截止日期为2009年3月5日,实际论文提交截止日期为2009年3月12日。所有提交的论文将基于它们的质量进行评价,这个过程是双盲的,即审评者无法知道论文的作者是谁。论文作者的名字禁止出现在论文或者PostScript或PDF文件中。提交的论文(或者大致类似的论文)不允许是那些用于其它发表正在审查过程中的论文。有关如何提交论文的问题请直接询问程序主席mobicom09_pcchairs@acm.org。



Q. Wang, Xinbing Wang, X. Lin, "Mobility Increases the Connectivity of K-hop Clustered Wireless Networks," ACM MobiCom 2009, Beijing, Sept, 2009.



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