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The Last Call CFP: Pervasive Multimedia Sensor Networks PMS

PMSN 2009 accepted and registered paper will be published (indexed by
EI) in the EUC 2009 proceedings and available through IEEE Xplore
digital library.
Distinguished papers accepted and presented in PMSN 2009, after
further revisions, will be published in the special issues of the
following journal:
* ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, Special Issue on "Multimedia
   Intelligent Services and Technologies" (indexed by SCI-E)
* Inderscience International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet),
   Special Issue on "Multimedia Data Applications in Wireless Sensor
* Journal of Communications (JCM), Special Issue on "Dependable
   Computing for Ubiquitous Services (DCUS)" (indexed by EI)
* International Journal of  Software Engineering and Its Applications
   (IJSEIA), Special Issue on "Workflow Management in the Grid Era".
* International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial
   Intelligence (IJMAI), Special Issue on "Semantic Intelligence".    
Important Dates
  * Submission due: Extend to May 18th, 2009
  * Acceptance notification: June 5th, 2009
  * Camera-ready due: June 15th, 2009
  * Conference date: August 28th~31st, 2009
               **  Apologies for cross-posting  **
                        Call for Papers
  2009 International Workshop on Pervasive Multimedia Sensor Networks
                         (PMSN 2009)
                 (In conjunction with EUC 2009)
           August 28th~31st, 2009, Vancouver, Canada
Call for Papers
The 2009 International Workshop on Pervasive Multimedia Sensor Networks
(PMSN¡¯09) will be held in conjunction with the 7th IEEE/IFIP
International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-09),
August 29th-31st, 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
Having the development of low-cost imaging sensors, CMOS cameras,
sensitive microphones, PMSN have been proposed and drawn lots of
attention from the research community. PMSN are a new and emerging
type of sensor network that contains sensor nodes equipped with cameras,
microphones, and other sensors producing multimedia content. These
networks have the potential to enable a large class of applications
ranging from assisting elderly in public spaces to border protection
that benefit from the use of numerous sensor nodes that deliver
multimedia content, e.g., multimedia surveillance networks, target
tracking, environmental monitoring, and traffic management systems.
PMSNs require effective harvesting and communication of event features
in the form of multimedia such as audio, image, and video.
Comparing with traditional wireless sensor networks, a lot of new
challenges are faced by PMSNs, e.g., energy efficient multimedia
processing and communication, heterogeneous multimedia reliability
definitions, tight QoS expectations, and high bandwidth demands.
This workshop is intended to provide a forum for presenting, exchanging
and discussing the most recent advances in different aspects of
pervasive multimedia sensor networks and applications. In particular,
this workshop will bring together leading researchers, industry
professionals, and research students to study the special problems
and challenges of multimedia mobile and wireless environments.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  ¡¤New PMSN architectures, deployments, and applications
  ¡¤New middleware, system, and underlying infrastructure for PMSN
  ¡¤Integrating PMSN with all IP Networks
  ¡¤Semantic annotation for multimedia streams in PMSN
  ¡¤Multimedia stream processing and management for PMSN
  ¡¤Protocols for supporting real-time and reliable multimedia streaming in PMSN
  ¡¤Energy-efficient multimedia gathering and transmission in PMSN
  ¡¤Cross-layer design and optimization for effective communications in PMSN
  ¡¤Context aware approaches for facilitating multimedia streaming in PMSN
  ¡¤Secure multimedia streaming and transmission, QoS and admission control in PMSN
  ¡¤Cooperative transmission for multimedia delivery in PMSN
  ¡¤Experimental and test bed studies, simulation tools for PMSN
  ¡¤Information fusion and multimedia aggregation in PMSN
  ¡¤Joint multimedia processing and communication solutions for PMSN
  ¡¤Low-bit rate and energy-efficient multimedia source coding for PMSN
  ¡¤Distributed source coding and multimedia processing in PMSN
  ¡¤PMSN capacity modeling and theoretical analysis
  ¡¤Delay-tolerant networking for PMSN
  ¡¤Physical layer technologies for efficient PMSN
Submission Guidelines:
Prepare your paper with free styles not more than 15 pages in PDF file.
Submit your paper(s) in PDF format to: pmsn2009@gmail.com
Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, if the paper
be accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to
present the work. Accepted papers will be published in proceedings of
the EUC-09 conference by IEEE Computer Society.
Organizing Committee
General Co-Chairs
  * Yanxiang He, Wuhan University, China
  * Jong Hyuk Park,  Kyungnam University, South Korea
  * Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
  * Naixue Xiong, Georgia State University, USA
Program Co-Chairs
  * Zhiwen Yu, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  * Lei Shu, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
  * Yong Zhu, Wuhan University of Science and Engineering, China
Publication Co-Chairs
  * Jiming Chen, Zhejiang University, China
  * Jinli Cao, La Trobe University, Australia
  * Deqing Zou, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Technical Program Committee (more to be confirmed)
  # Tommaso Melodia, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
  # Nicolas Sklavos,Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece
  # Fan Zhai, Texas Instrument, USA
  # Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
  # Sajid Hussain, Acadia University, Canada
  # Han-Chieh Chao, Ilan University, Taiwan
  # Lei Ye, University of Wollongong, Australia
  # Ming Li, California State University, Fresno, USA
  # Guangjie Han, Hohai University, China
  # Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK
  # Lu Yan, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  # Weiwei Fang, Beihang University, China
  # Lu Liu, University of Leeds, UK
  # Qin Xin, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
  # Wei Yu, Nanjing University,China
  # Min Chen, University of British Columbia, Canada
  # Ruhan He, Wuhan Univeristy of Science and Technology, China
  # Zheng Yan, Nokia Research Center, Finland
  # Dan Yu, Beihang University, China
  # Changhoon Lee, Hanshin University, Korea
  # Chuan Lin, Wuhan University, China
  # Wanqing Tu, Glyndwr University, UK
  # Jinlei Jiang, Tsinghua University, China
  # Jie Xiang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
  # Fei Yan, Wuhan University, China
  # Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
  # Weiqiang Xu, Zhejiang University, China
  # Zhangbing Zhou, National University of Ireland, Ireland
  # Deok Gyu Lee, ETRI, Korea
For further information regarding the workshop and paper submission,
please contact:
  * Lei Shu, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
    National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
    Email: lei.shu@deri.org
  * Naixue Xiong, Georgia State University, USA


