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Try, and try again~~
1. What if the mobile node is not moving?
2. What if you increase the link bandwidth?
3. What if the traffic arrives at a lower rate?
4. What if you increase the Tx power?
Try as many 'what-if' as possible. This is where simulation shows its strength~~


At which layer do you observe the packet loss? At which node do you observe the packet loss?  
I notice that you include the infrastructure in your scenario. I wonder if you configure it as a L3 router or merely an L2 AP. I presume that there's a fix-lined host in your network. If you employ routing, is there any problem with routing settings?
Read the DES log to see if there's any warning on your configuration.
The final means is to employ ODB. Trace a dropped packet, to convince at which node and at which layer, or at a certain phase of the wireless pipeline (L1), the packet is dropped. Narrow down the place of problem. All details lie in the C code. You won't miss it.

