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<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\icons
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)          3    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\images
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)          4    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\include
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)          5    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\images\maps
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)          6    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\utilities\3dnv
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)         10    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\utilities\tmm
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)         11    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Warning >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   Generic Product
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Vos (Virtual Operating System) / Tfile (Typed File)
  * Function:  vos_tfile_dcell_build
  * Error:     unable to read model directory
               (check mod_dirs environment attribute)
               Dir Path: d:\PROGRA~1\OPNET\11.5.A\sys\utilities\hla
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1   3822  m3_main
     1)          1   1071  Op_Std_Open
     2)          1    823  Vos_Tfile_Dir_Build
     3)         12    376  vos_tfile_dcell_build
<<< Program Abort >>>
  * Time:      16:18:14 星期日 十月 19
  * Product:   modeler
  * Program:   modeler (Version 11.5.A PL1 Build 3352)
  * System:    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
  * Package:   Mmi (Man-Machine Interface)
  * Function:  mmi_system_resources_attach
  * Error:     Required application configuration file 'opgalaxy7.vr' is mis
               Normally this file is located in the sys/lib directory of you
r product installation.
  * Function call stack: (builds down)
             Call   Block
             Count  Line#  Function
     0)          1    153  0x00004c00 [name not available]
     1)          1   2211  0x00004c00 [name not available]
     2)          1   1102  0x0000c400 [name not available]
     3)          1   3879  m3_main
     4)          1   1187  Mmi_Open
     5)          1   3544  mmi_system_resources_attach


