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Test Control Unit (TCU) automation for both RTL and verific

Topic: Test Control Unit (TCU) automation for both RTL and verification
Interns wanted: 1~2
Target /outcome: Build Perl or C based environment which can read in
parameterized TCU spec in excel format and generate RTL with full
functionality defined in spec and corresponding checkers for simulation or
formal based verification
Tasks description:
    1.     TCU function study and excel formatted spec organization (1.5
    2.     Scripting for TCU RTL automatic generation for basic function
    with instruction register only (4 weeks)
    3.     Extend the scripts/environment to support RTL automation with
    optional scannable output function (1 week)
    4.     Extend the scripts/environment to support RTL automation with
    optional two types of data register: Bypass Register and Boundary
    Register (4 weeks)
    5.     Extend the scripts/environment to support SVA checker for
    simulation or formal based verification (3~4 weeks)
    6.     DFT Pin Mux RTL and checkers automation (optional if time
    available. 3 weeks)
Technical Requirements:
Proficient in Perl/C and hardware description language (Verilog preferred)
Experienced in HDL coding and verification
Be familiar with System Verilog Assertion is plus
联发科技(MediaTek Inc.)是全球专业IC设计领导厂商,专注于无线通讯及数字媒体等技术领域。公司提供的芯片整合系统解决方案,包含无线通讯、高清晰度数字电视、光储存、高清晰度DVD等相关产品,其中光存储和DVD业务市场占有量居全球第一,数字电视业务居全球第三位。联发科技总部位于台湾,目前在美国、英国、丹麦、印度、新加坡、日本、韩国、中国等地设有16家分支机构,也是全球前十大IC无工厂设计公司中唯一的亚洲公司。2007年9月,联发科技宣布收购全球领先的美国IC设计公司Analog Devices,Inc(ADI)旗下的Othello和 SoftFone手机芯片产品相关技术和团队,进一步奠定了其世界级IC设计厂商的领先地位。
Email: hr.mbj@mediatek.com
