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Dynamic Lightpath Scheduling in Optical WDM Gri

Byrav Ramamurthy教授将于5.19访问清华,届时将安排一个报告,并在报告后与无线网络和光网络方向的老师和同学座谈。希望相关领域的同学和老师参加。
时间:5.19 3:00pm
主讲人:Byrav Ramamurthy
题目:Dynamic Lightpath Scheduling in Optical WDM Grid Networks
Lightpath scheduling is an important capability in emerging
wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical grid networks to
reserve resources in advance for a specified time period while
provisioning end-to-end lightpaths. In a dynamic environment, the end
user requests for dynamic scheduled lightpath demands (D-SLDs) need to
be serviced without the knowledge of future requests. Even though the
starting time of the request may be hours or days from the current
time, the end-user however expects a quick response as to whether the
request could be satisfied. We propose a two-phase approach to
dynamically schedule and provision D-SLDs. Experimental results show
that our proposed two-phase dynamic lightpath scheduling approach can
greatly reduce network blocking.
Byrav Ramamurthy received his B.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (India) in 1993. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from University of California (UC), Davis in 1995 and 1998, respectively.

Since August 2003, he has been an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). He was the Feature Editor on Theses for the Optical Network Magazine. He served as a guest co-editor for a special issue of IEEE Network magazine on Optical Communication Networks. He served as a member of the technical program committees for the IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE GLOBECOM, Opticomm/Broadnets, ICC and ICCCN conferences. He is author of the book "Design of Optical WDM Networks
- LAN, MAN and WAN Architectures" and a co-author of the book "Secure Group Communications over Data Networks" published by Kluwer Academic Publishers/Springer in 2000 and 2004 respectively. From 2001-2003, he served as the founding secretary of the IEEE ComSoc Optical Networking Technical Committee (ONTC) for which he currently serves as the Secretary and Online Content Chair.  He served as the TPC Co-chair for the IEEE ICC 2006 Optical Systems and Networks Symposium and the Broadnets 2006 Optical Symposium. He serves as the INFOCOM 2008 Miniconference TPC Co-chair and as the INFOCOM 2008 EDAS Chair.

Prof. Ramamurthy was a recipient of the Indian National Talent Search scholarship and was a fellow of the Professors for the Future program at UC Davis.  He is a recipient of the UNL Research Council Grant-in-Aid award for 1999, the College of Engineering and Technology Faculty Research Award for 2000 and the UNL CSE Dept. Student Choice Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate-level Courses for 2002-2003 and 2006-2007.  His research areas include optical networks, wireless/sensor networks, network security, distributed computing, and telecommunications. His research is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, Agilent Tech., and OPNET Inc. His email address
is: byrav@cse.unl.edu.
