Netlist Translator (*) 310.400 Sep 28 2006 ADS Netlist translation log Input format: HSPICE Input filename: C:\abc\ttttt_prj\eye.sp Output format: ADS Netlist file Output filename: C:\abc\ttttt_prj\ Special options: Processing first line as comment. Begin translation at Sun Nov 25 08:17:42 2007 Creating netlist. Reading item definition file "D:\ADS2006A/config\spctoiff.cfg" WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS ingold", line 49. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS method", line 50. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS co", line 51. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS post", line 52. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS gshunt", line 53. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS abstol", line 54. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS absv", line 55. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS absvdc", line 56. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS itl4", line 57. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS maxord", line 58. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS trtol", line 59. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS lvltim", line 60. WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".OPTIONS parhier", line 61. Reading include or library file "tsi57x_model_enc.sp" Found library section reference: file=txrx.lib section=RX_TCS. If this reference is to an external file, that file will not be translated automatically. Please translate any required library files separately. See the user's guide for instructions on how to use a translated library section. Found library section reference: file=txrx.lib section=TX_TCS. Reading include or library file "tsi57x_fcpads_enc.sp" WARNING: Skipping "prot" block - line #43. Finished reading include or library file "tsi57x_fcpads_enc.sp" Reading include or library file "tsi57x_pkg.sp" WARNING: Skipping unrecognized element type: line #53, "spkg1 dm dp bp bm pgnd mname=s27x27_tx_model interpolation=spline fbase=50e9". WARNING: Skipping unsupported model type "s", line #55. WARNING: Skipping unrecognized element type: line #73, "spkg1 dp dm bp bm pgnd mname=s27x27_rx_model interpolation=spline fbase=50e9". WARNING: Skipping unsupported model type "s", line #75. Finished reading include or library file "tsi57x_pkg.sp" Finished reading include or library file "tsi57x_model_enc.sp" WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".vec", line #88. Found library section reference: file=x2wloss.lib section=x2wloss_100. WARNING: Skipping unrecognized element type: line #127, "wdt1 tx1p tx1n gnd tdc11p tdc11n gnd rlgcmodel=x2wloss n=2 l=tline_20in". WARNING: Skipping unsupported model type "s", line #129. WARNING: Skipping unrecognized element type: line #131, "svia1 tdc11p tdc11n tdc1p tdc1n gnd mname=cnab". WARNING: Skipping unrecognized element type: line #142, "wtd2 rdc1p rdc1n gnd rx1p rx1n gnd rlgcmodel=x2wloss n=2 l=tline_0p5in". WARNING: Skipping unsupported statement ".probe", line #160. WARNING: Referenced circuit "tx" not found. WARNING: Referenced circuit "rx" not found. WARNING: Schematic not created for subcircuit "flipchip_pads" with no translated components. Subcircuits found in Spice Netlist: 5 Subcircuits written to ADS Netlist: 4 Translation completed at Sun Nov 25 08:17:42 2007.