真是很无奈...这个议题的官方中文版都不知道在本论坛出现过多少次了? 也不知到大家在灌水((谢谢分享))--是在谢什么!?
是差分对?、或是耦合线? 视你设置激励端口的方式来决定,但端口大小的取决原则不变!
嗯嗯, 原来我设不了差分对的原因是:我没把求解模式设为driven terminal。以前一直用的是driven terminal。其实微带线跟带状线的设置都是一样的
是driven modal
不是driven terminal!
想问下,differential pairs里面这个matched是干嘛用的呢?
A checkbox for "Matched" for each differential pair indicates whether to use matched or differential and common impedances. This Matched checkbox also appears in driven terminal designs and uses the same postprocessing semantics. Matched is the "natural" in general frequency dependent characteristic impedance of the line. For multiple terminals it describes the coupled nature of such lines and is therefore a dense matrix relating voltages and currents on the line. A matched terminal project is analogous to an unrenormalized wave port in driven modal where the s-parameter is referenced to the 'natural impedance' of the port cross section. If you unselect Matched, you renormalize to a set impedance for the diff or common modes.
***抱歉! 不是卖弄E文,是怕翻成中文后反而更不懂。
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