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HFSS 14.0 运行时报错

X_solt268_1 (F:/chao/Ansoft HFSS/Project/)
  HFSSDesign1 (DrivenModal)
    [warning] HFSSDesign1: Solutions have been invalidated. Undo to recover. (10:56:03 上午  五月 01, 2013)
    [error] Communication failure. System error no: 109, error description:Unknown error (1:20:09 下午  五月 01, 2013)
    [error] Communication failure. System error no: 109, error description:Unknown error (1:20:09 下午  五月 01, 2013)
    [error] Adaptive solution setup, process hf3d exited with code 100. (1:20:09 下午  五月 01, 2013)
    [error] Communication failure. System error no: 232, error description:Unknown error (1:20:09 下午  五月 01, 2013)
    [error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (1:20:09 下午  五月 01, 2013)
