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CST STUDIO SUITE 2014 Service Pack 4已发布

今天CST发布了CST STUDIO SUITE 2014的SP4,编译于8月22号。CST Support页面可以下载安装包,或者通过Update Manager升级。











Service Pack 2014.04
General / Environment

  • Fixed automatic determination of plot range for log scaled axes.
  • Repaired an issue that the user interface is locked after loading the project, if an inconsistent thin panel material is defined.
  • Improved stability when moving the cutting plane.
  • Fixed locale conversion for project description and author field.
  • Corrected behavior in the parameter view filter dialog when trying to select a condition.
  • If multiple materials are deleted, then the material dependency question was not reset correctly.
  • Adjusted an error message for modified lumped face elements during fast opening of a project.
  • New registry key to restore initial parameter values after parameter sweep (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CST AG\CST DESIGN ENVIRONMENT 2014\Usersettings,  DWORD ParSweepRestoreValuesAfterRun  =  1).

EDA Import
  • Fixed import of designs with pin names containing special characters.
  • Added possibility to define BGA by direct Cadence APD and SiP Import.
  • Corrected part library help button.
  • Added etch factor information to .tech file.
  • Added rectangular area selection. New Feature!

Distributed Computing (DC)
  • Fixed automatic switch to proxy mode if solver server is not connectable from FE.
  • Fixed issue that parameter list view has wrong size inside dock widget.
  • Fixed race condition in CST DC MainController which could lead to an abnormal termination.
  • Fixed possible hang of frontend after results are received.
  • Fixed file copy error when processing data on frontend.

Hexhedral (Hex) Mesh
  • Improved surface impedance setup for special geometric configuration.
  • Enhanced handling of locked files on network drives.

  • Fixed restoring of farfield settings.
  • Improved stability after an import of an invalid field source.
  • Fixed initialization of automatic decoupling plane in the farfield plotter.

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Transient Solver (Hexahedral Mesh)
  • Improved nearfield source excitation when 'calculate port modes only' is activated.
  • Fixed determination of ground conductor in multipin ports when the generalized port mode solver is used.

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Transient Solver (Hexahedral TLM Mesh)
  • Fixed intermediate results display for solver runs on Linux when distributed computing is used.
  • Added option to abort only the current job on local solver runs. New Feature!

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Frequency Domain (FD) Solvers
  • Removed duplicated frequency entries in the field source monitor, "FSM" to "NFS" export no longer failing.
  • Included check for discrete edge ports overlapping with PEC or lossy materials.
  • Prevent the excitation of a multiple layer structure with an incident perpendicular plane wave.
  • Improved line impedance calculation for special scenarios.
  • Fixed problem with fast resonant sweep in combination with anisotropic materials.

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Integral Equation Solver
  • Fixed problem with surface wire junctions.
  • Improved stability when 2D-nearfield monitor is calculated.
  • Fixed problem for calculating 2D monitors when symmetry was used.

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Asymptotic Solver
  • Fixed problem with numerical accuracy in angular sweep definitions for range profile computations.

  • Improved handling of current ports in combination with curved elements in LF FD and LF TD solvers.

  • Improved explosive emission behavior in case of static fields.
  • PIC on GPU: Fixed rare incorrect particle absorption issues.
  • PIC on GPU: Fixed problem in case of sheet transparency import with zero values.
  • Increased output format precision in ASCII export of particle position monitor data.
  • Improved time step calculation for PIC.
  • Improved sheet transparency handling.

  • Improved KBL import for more complex cable bundles.
  • Fixed that there is no transmission through a connector pin at a yellow node in case of an unscreened cable if using a modal model.
  • Enhanced creation of complex KBL cable import.
  • Drain wires in a sub cable group are now handled hierarchically.

  • Corrected template for the Export to MWS functionality.
  • Enhanced PI field plotting by the option of using only ground reference conductors.
  • More flexible choices for differential pins, selection improved.
  • PI dialog box opens faster for many available pins.
  • TL/PEEC available pin selection is no longer lost when adding new nets to selection.
  • Avoid wrong warning about not inserted components in 3DPEEC models.
  • Consider geometry of zero-length, capped traces.
  • IRdrop: The CurrentSurfaceDensity now is correct even for projects not in 'mm'.
  • Fixed that IR-Drop failed to import SPICE vendor model.
  • 3D PEEC: Fixed triangulation issue.
  • Project is not closed anymore when switching from default to legacy viewer.
  • Gaps between net traces and pads are now repaired even for selected power nets. Warning in messages window and log file if ground nets are selected.
  • Fixed invalid saving of disabled components.
  • Fixed SI workflow issue 'Cannot read file' caused by overlapping traces.
  • Fixed that Zuken import leads to incorrect area shapes.

Decap Tool
  • General user interface improvements.
  • Decap Tool now shows license status.
  • Decap Tool now launches automatically from PCBS after PI-simulation when option activated. New Feature!

  • Corrected 1D plot toolbar initialization for some result templates.
  • Improved stability when using selection of 1d plot legend in combination with parameter view.
  • Corrected copying of real-valued parametric 1D data.
  • Corrected minimal/maximal value association of the component capacity in IBIS models for fast/slow switching behavior.
  • Improved stability when renaming template task items. This happened only if an AC task was defined that referenced other results as excitation.
  • Fixed wrong probe results on discrete co-simulation ports in TLM co-simulation.
  • Protect MOSFET level 2 model against division by zero, if bulk threshold parameter GAMMA is zero.
  • Repaired parsing error on parameter expressions with constant values.
  • Repaired issue in the invalidation of the MOR cache of superblocks.
  • Fixed rare access violation in S-Parameter analysis if matrix sparsity pattern changes because of nullors.
  • Fixed issue in connectivity analysis leading to incorrect results in rare case.
  • Improved time domain representation of dispersive blocks for FD tasks.
  • Improved behavior with the enable/disable pin of IBIS blocks.
  • Filter Designer 2D available in Design Studio Home Ribbon. New Feature!
  • Update backward compatibility signal links after non-parametric changes.
  • Remove limitation that multiple instances of Coilcraft devices from the device library cannot be simulated.
  • Fixed wrong run ids when parameter combinations were cached and parameterlist changed order.

Result Templates / VBA / Macros / External Data Access
  • New Macro to synchronize hex mesh settings: Solver > Mesh > Hex Mesh - Synchronize FIT and TLM Mesh Settings. New Feature!
  • Enhanced macro for arbitrary angle bending:  Construct > Miscellaneous > Bend Selected Objects at UV Plane
  • New templates to realize movement into phase center in SAM-antenna workflow. New Feature!


