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请教各位,我刚学hfss,书上说HFSS 是基于电磁场有限元法分析微波工程问题的全波三维电磁仿真软件,请问这里的全波是个什么概念?谢谢啦!



borrow from internet:
full wave analysis is to solve the complete set of Maxwells equations without any simplifying assumptions. Usually the fields described by the equations are time-variant/frequency-dependent. Compared to full wave analysis are some methods such as Quasi-static analysis, where the Maxwell's equations are simplified first(the fields are assumed time-invariant/frequency-independent).
Simple explanation:
Full wave: considering all field components: Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz
Quasi static (as example of non full wave one): only one component is considered to be dominant. Imagine you have microstrip line in XY plane --> then Ez component is dominant in substrate region. You omit Ex and Ey and speed up the calculation
