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CST MWS thin panel如何加载

貌似应该和HFSS里的layered impedance边界条件一样。CST好像只可以对实体进行材料属性设置,如何将材料属性中定义的thin panel属性,设置给物体表面啊?求大神告知。

老帖子了,拿出来看看,同问,我是准备用在天线罩上面,但是简单的把天线罩设置为thin panel材料是行不通的,有警告:Thin panel material is not supported by transient solver. This material type will be treated as PEC.所以不知道怎么设置,望大神前来指导,我就不另开贴求助了

按照CST MWS帮助文件《Material Overview (HF)》:
Thin panel materials are only available for the time domain solvers on hexahedral mesh (i.e. transient solver and TLM solver) and the asymptotic solver.
The transient solver allows only layer of normal type or wire mesh type with isotropic hole shape (i.e. circular or rectangular aligned). The rotation angle of each layer with respect to the others must be 0. Finally the layer structure must be symmetric with respect to the two ports (the local coordinate system is therefore not required).

