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I 算法迭代提示 “10    -1.#IND00e+000”

I算法求解单站RCS时message window出现如下迭代提示


贴上solver logfile
Number of threads used: 16.
Units settings:
  Dimensions: mm
  Frequency:  GHz
  Time:       ns
Boundary conditions:
  YZsymmetry: none
  XZsymmetry: none
  XYsymmetry: none
  Xmin: open
  Xmax: open
  Ymin: open
  Ymax: open
  Zmin: open
  Zmax: open
  Mesh time                :    0 s
Integral Equation Solver calculation cycle started
Solver started at: 10:16 PM Wednesday, 20. November 2013
  Module:  Frequency Domain: Integral Equation Solver (Win 64)
  Version: 2012.4 Release from 2012-07-07 (change 216796)
Using CFIE for PEC solids.
  Calculation 1 of 1 (Frequency: 37.5 GHz)
The iterative solver (MLFMM) will be used. Preconditioner: Auto.
Number of threads used: 16.
Increased memory requirements by parallelization: 1.41 MB
Approximate near field memory: 0.013307 GB
Approximate far field memory: 5.910814 GB
Stimulation with plane wave
  Matrix setup time        :    1924 s
  Degrees of freedom       :    11772
  Floating-point format    :    single
  Number of surfaces       :    3924
  Solver order             :    1st
  Stimulation with         :    Plane wave
  Accuracy                 :    -1.#IND
  Iterations               :    499
  Solver time              :    29877 s
  Far field memory         :    5910.81 MB
  Near field memory        :    13.4008 MB
  Memory for solve/precond.:    99.3807 MB
  Number of Level          :    [ 5, 5 ]
*** Error ***
Could not solve equation system.
Calculation finished.
  Total Solver Time        :    0 s
                      Peak memory used (kB)         Free physical memory (kB)
                      Physical     Virtual          At begin     Minimum      
  Solver start        27060        366204           31943500     31943140    
  Matrices calc.      6578744      8378236          25814012     25409080    
  Eq. system solve    6903396      8575248          25416388     25090168    
  Eq. system setup    6903396      8575248          31935972     25090168    
  Solver run total    6903396      8575248          31943504     25090168    
  Computer name       NODE74

