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First question:solution type 的选择
我的见解:从HFSS的帮助文件中可以查看到,HFSS官方对三种SOLUTION TYPE 的解释如下
Driven Modal Solution
Choose the Driven Modal solution type when you want HFSS to calculate the modal-based S-parameters of passive, high-frequency structures such as microstrips, waveguides, and transmission lines. The S-matrix solutions will be expressed in terms of the incident and reflected powers of waveguide modes.
Driven Terminal Solution
Choose the Driven Terminal solution type when you want HFSS to calculate the terminal-based S-parameters of multi-conductor transmission line ports. The S-matrix solutions will be expressed in terms of terminal voltages and currents.
Eigenmode Solution
Choose the Eigenmode solution type to calculate the eigenmodes, or resonances, of a structure. The Eigenmode solver finds the resonant frequencies of the structure and the fields at those resonant frequencies.
所以我个人认为对于天线这种能量的转化结构,尤其是微带天线而言,s参数是以能量的形式表达的,所以应该用模式驱动(Modal solution)
Second Question:应该选用什么样的端口激励,包括波端口,集总端口等等
