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CST CS 2011中如何利用nastran文件导入线缆的节点?

CST cable  2011帮助文档中有关导入线缆数据文件的方法中有利用nastran文件导入的方法:
Nastran Harness
The Nastran interface provides a universal access to common CAD tools like CATIA or Pro-E. Such tools offer the capability to export the 3D geometry of a cable path as a polygon line in Nastran format. When importing Nastran files, CST CABLE STUDIO™ automatically scans for such polygon segments (type: CBAR) and stores them in the Node list.
我将线缆中心线生成nastran文件后,再利用CST cable导入后,出现在wires里面,无法如帮助中所说的会有节点数据出现在“Node list”中,请问各位能人是否能够解答这个问题?

菜单栏 cable——》attach harness然后选择nastran格式文件 导入即可

