错误如下 还是和频率有关 我把频率修改了就好了 但是修改后又不符合我的要求 请大侠指教怎么解决啦
Fast weep setup process abc3d"waveport1" mode 1 crosses cut-off in the specified fast sweep rangge .
Consider spliting the sweep into multiple ranges.Use a port-only discrete sweep to locate the cut-off freqency.
我改成了discrete sweep 后就对了 但这就不是线性了吧?怎么办啦
Fast weep setup process abc3d"waveport1" mode 1 crosses cut-off in the specified fast sweep rangge .
Consider spliting the sweep into multiple ranges.Use a port-only discrete sweep to locate the cut-off freqency.
我改成了discrete sweep 后就对了 但这就不是线性了吧?怎么办啦