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首页 > 仿真设计 > CST微波工作室 > 有没有高手研究过single-ended multipin port的?

有没有高手研究过single-ended multipin port的?

有没有高手研究过single-ended multipin port的?寻求帮助啊。help文档里面有这么一段话“Now, a postprocessing step is started which recombines theS-parameters due to the given voltage/current representation as depicted in thesecond row. Thus, the new S-parameters represent the behavior of the twoseparate conductor lines, enabling e.g. the analysis of crosstalk betweenthem.” 我想问一下这里指的“the givenvoltage/current representation as depicted”在仿真中是怎么体现的啊?是不是只要设置multipin port里面的potential set definition设置就可以吗?“a postprocessing step”怎么理解?多谢!

