CST MWS中Discrete port设置为voltage port,constant voltage amplitude如何理解?
Voltage port: This port type realizes a voltage source, exciting with a constant voltage amplitude. If this port is not stimulated in the transient analysis, the voltage along the wire is set to zero. The voltage excitation signal will be recorded during the solver run.
exciting with a constant voltage amplitude. 这句话不好理解,激励既然是脉冲,如何来定义常数的幅度呢?
Voltage port: This port type realizes a voltage source, exciting with a constant voltage amplitude. If this port is not stimulated in the transient analysis, the voltage along the wire is set to zero. The voltage excitation signal will be recorded during the solver run.
exciting with a constant voltage amplitude. 这句话不好理解,激励既然是脉冲,如何来定义常数的幅度呢?
管理员,你好,你的意思是CST默认的Excitation Signals 在此时是没有用的吗?谢谢。
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