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Changing the amplitude of Gaussian signal in CST MWS

CST offers different kinds of excitation source. The system automatically  select a Gaussian signal with a max value 1V in the center time .Is it possible to increase the value up to 2,3,4 volt? It seems that the problem concerns the language VBA.....so what is your opinion about that?

如果不需要变更激励函数的话,只改变幅度可以在Excitation list里面实现。之前crosstalk的那个帖子里有涉及到。

在VBA里面,直接在Excitation list设置相应的幅度就可以了,难度应该不是很大吧。不过这也只是我的猜测而已,虽然没亲自试过,但是觉得是可以实现的。

here everybody 's so kind,thank you


bravo,vive le logicielCST...lol
