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hfss中文实例教程[320-347 同轴连接器]full book v10
在该例中,不论是中文版还是英文版,均存在同样的错误:对于实体Ring和Male Teflon,二者在实体是相互嵌入的,与实际情况不符合,应该添加一步:


To select the objects Female, MaleTeflon, Ring

1.     Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name

2.     Select Object Dialog,

1.     Select the objects named: Ring,Male Teflon,

2.     Click the OK button


To complete the vacumm objects:

1.     Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Boolean > Subtract

2.     Subtract Window


Blank Parts: Male Teflon


Tool Parts: Ring


Clone tool objects before subtract: X Checked


Click the OK button

To select the objects Ring, MaleTeflon,
1.    Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
2.    Select Object Dialog,
1.    Select the objects named:Ring, MaleTeflon,
2.    Click the OK button
To complete the vacumm objects:
1.    Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Boolean > Subtract
2.    Subtract Window
Blank Parts: MaleTeflon
Tool Parts: Ring
Clone tool objects before subtract: X Checked
Click the OK button



我也运算过好多次 确实有问题 内外导体及绝缘部分重合了

应该没问题,看6.2-19页,有一个步骤To complete the vacumm objects,做了处理,不会重合

我说的是实体Ring和Male Teflon,而应该没问题,而“看6.2-19页,有一个步骤To complete the vacumm objects,做了处理,不会重合”没有涉及!

