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首页 > 仿真设计 > CST微波工作室 > 请问谁有用CST仿真微带滤波器的?



小编想通过例子学习什么?滤波器仿真还是微带线仿真?CST帮助文件里的Examples里面就有基于Microstrip的Low Pass Filter。


If you're talking about the simulation accuracy, the only and best way is to generate a model in CAD, which is identical or very similar to the physical device/component. Then, compare the simulation results with the measured ones for the realiability.
However, this has been done already by CST (of course they need to be confident for their products). So you don't need to worry if the CST is accurate. You really need to be sure that you have the ability to handle the correlation between simulation and measurement.
