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看看CST  design STUDIO教程,里面能够给你问题的答案,实现电路和场协调仿真。



现在CST Design Studio已经集成到所有的CST Suite组件里,所以你在Microwave Studio里面仿真得到的结果是可以直接在Design Studio里面使用的,不存在“导入”这个概念。
Design Studio的运行快捷键就在上面的快捷按钮栏上,只要新建一个仿真任务就可以运行。这里小编的描述比较不清楚:“其实我真的没有找到运行仿真的开始按钮,然后我就让它执行网络参数提取那个运行”。没有找到开始按钮,那你是怎么让它开始执行的?什么叫做“执行网络参数”?“提取运行”又是什么意思?
关于联合仿真的步骤,只要看看CST Suite的帮助文件、Tutorial、Example和Application Notes,有非常多的相关信息你都可以参考。


Design Studio用得不多,所以不清楚这个该怎么设置。看看有没有高人可以回答你。

再请问小编,仿真时状态消息栏中出现的 Warnning: the shape "*" cannot be correctly processed by        ACIS............这里的ACIS是什么意思啊 ?
还有 29 mesh cells are represented in staircase mode and have been filled with PEC.这个警告是什么意思啊?可以用专家系统生成的网格来解决掉吗?

Did you import the model file from another CAD software?
The 3D ACIS Modeler (ACIS) is a 3D modelling kernel (or engine) owned by Spatial Corporation (formerly Spatial Technology). ACIS is used by many software developers industries such as computer-aided design, (CAD), Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), Computer-aided engineering (CAE), Architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), Coordinate-measuring machine (CMM), 3D animation, and shipbuilding. ACIS provides software developers and manufacturers the underlying 3D modeling functionality. ACIS features an open, object-oriented C++ architecture that enables robust, 3D modelling capabilities. ACIS is used to construct applications with hybrid modeling features, since it integrates wireframe model, surface, and solid modeling functionality with both manifold and non-manifold topology, and a rich set of geometric operations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACIS
Help can answer your staircase mesh question:
1. Staircase mesh: Use the classic finite difference staircase scheme for surface bodies or imported shapes that produce errors during the matrix generation.
2. Staircase mesh:  In addition to the PBA mesh, a classic staircase mesh is provided. Choose the staircase mesh for imported structures that are not solids or that cannot be healed.
3. Staircase mesh: The classic hexahedral staircase meshing is extremely robust and recommended if the other mesh type methods fail due to unremovable errors of imported surface bodies or shapes.
4. To simulate a surface structure or an imported shape that cannot be healed, select the appropriate object in the navigation tree and choose the Staircase Mesh option as the meshing type in the Edit Local Mesh Properties dialog. In contrast to PBA mesh, this classic finite difference scheme allows only one material in a mesh cell. If the shape consists of PEC material, a thin sheet mesh is used. For a non-PEC material, the surface is represented by staircase mesh cells.
5. For corrupted import data, where the healing algorithm failed, or for very large and complex CAD imports, switching to the standard staircase mesh might be helpful.
Then, the expert system.
In default, CST generate mesh by using expert system already, unless you manually turn off the "Automatic mesh generation" in Global mesh properties.

thank you!




这个我也是在摸索,我现在是这样弄的,电感弄好后,有四个端口,两个为输入输出波端口,另外两个为离散端口,这样这个模型对应的DS窗口的模型就有四个端口和它对应了,然后你就接上外端口和电容。我是这样搞的,但是我没优化前的S11很不好,我不知道怎样能联合优化,就像llj85讲的仿真很慢,很崩溃,我倒是也想和你交流一下,你的电感建模的时候有没有遇到这个问题,就是电感线圈始端和末端要有转角,我旋转完的时候不能够把他们合并到一起,老提示有错误:ACIS error in boolean operation(span info missing for ef_int construction),这个错误倒是能用复制第一个转角的方法解决,但是把复制的那个转角移动到另一段的时候连接的不紧密,有小缺口。CST建的螺旋电感模型接头越多偏差越大,不知道有高手能不能解决这个问题。

在CST里面仿真导出3D仿真的S参数模型,然后再导出S4P文件,再把S4P文件导入到ADS,弱弱的问,具体如何操作呢?呵呵,应该是用import吧,现在正在用ADS-co simulation


