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有关CST MWS的Cross-Correlation仿真请教各位

在仿真天线的时候,需要求出两个信号的Cross-Correlation,根据cst的帮助文件可以得到这样的提示Calculates the Cross Correlation of two signals. In signal processing, cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them. This is also known as a sliding dot product or inner-product.
For signals in which the amplitude can vary, the Cross Correlation can first be normed. In this case, the Cross Correlation of two signals with identical shape will lead to a maximum correlation of 1. The position of the maximum is then the time shift between the two signal.。但是小弟怎么也求不出结果,有那位高人指点一下怎么去设置!不胜感激!

1.进入后处理模板,Results->Template Based Processing
2.在第一个下拉菜单选择 General 1D,
3.第二个下拉菜单选择 Load 1D data file
4.Browse Tree  选择你需要求互相关的信号1
6.在第二个下拉菜单选择 1D result from 1D result
7.进入对话框1D result from 1D result,下拉选择cross correlation
