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在做天线的时域分析,想的是用field monitor来分析,选择time那一项就可以了,可是却没有任何结果,不知道为什么。请高手赐教,多谢!

monitorw 都是在频域中用的

那就是不能用那个time了?那是不是只能用probe和voltage monitor?新手初学,请多多指教!

If you want to use the field monitors in time domain, then the monitor records the chosen field type at several equidistant time samples. Note that  this feature is not available for farfield monitors for frequency domain solvers.
Step width: Enter here the desired step width for the time monitoring. Together with start and end time this value determines the full number of recorded time samples. Note that time monitors possibly need a great amount of disk memory if the step width is chosen too small.
End time: Selecting this check box offers the possibility to define a specific endtime for the recording. If it is not selected, the recording will continue up to the end of the calculation.

Thank you very much!Then I still have one question.When I choose the step width too small,I can see this warning:.......has an extremely high sampling rate!What does that mean?And should I change some settings?Thankyou!

You can type in Chinese.
The administrator has no idea how to active the Chinese input on my workstation so I can read but cannot type......
Like what the CST help says, "Note that time monitors possibly need a great amount of disk memory if the step width is chosen too small". Then just increase the value of step width until the warning message disappears.

SorryI thought you'd like to talk in English.多谢
