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CST 优化每次结果保存问题

我之前看过CST教程了  优化过程知道了
但是优化过程是每次都变更数据 然后进行计算  最后左下角会提示saving result
但是它把每次的结果  都存到哪里了?
我通过什么途径能直接读取这些数据   尤其是1D的 S/1.1/ d


Do you mean adaptive mesh refinement? If yes, the adaptive data is stored in 1D Results -> Adaptive Meshing

my English is not very well ,but the means what your had said is :网格优化
I want  to say about the frequence refinement
每一次CST自动变动数据时  CST直接对自己采用的值进行计算
计算会得到结果  但是是一闪而过   或者保存在了某个地方
我想在优化的时候不用总盯着它看,而是等它优化完后 我只查看1D的曲线结果
{when CST make the automatic measurement and test,and make a calculation by defined value
the calculation will make a result ,but it just a flash or  save to some where
I need the adress where it saved}


I am confused with your reply because there does not exist a concept of "frequency refinement" in CST. So totally no idea what you're talking about. Guess you tried to use optimization.
