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不知道在加激励源时有哪些总体的,一般的考虑,是加lumped port还是wave port总是搞不清楚;还有在driven modal和driven terminal两种求解下还不同;积分线又是怎么回事?

With lump port=> the excitation is applied at a point/cell, as a voltage or current. 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
lump port的激励以电压或电流的形式,加在一个点或单元上。 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
With wave-port=> the excitation is so-called eigen-wave, such as the quasi-tem wave supported by a microstrip line. It applies over a cross-sectional area. 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
而wave-port的激励称做本征波,比如微带线馈源提供的准TEM波,它加在一个横截面(剖面)上。 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
voltage is scalar, wave is vector by nature, hence there are substantial difference between the two. So use waveport whenever possible, because "simulation of wave phenomenon" is what HFSS is designed for. And compare with the "correct" measurement whenever possible (i.e. measure "wave", not simply "voltage"). 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
电压是标量,而波本质上是矢量,因此两者间有很大区别。当情况允许时,尽可能选择waveport,这是由于HFSS是为“波仿真”设计的,相对于简单的“电压”,测量“波”可使结果更精确。 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
Why lumped port is there? It is easy to applied and people found that good/reasonable results can be obtained. Why? if the frequency is low enough or the excitation is applied at sufficiently small area, then the "wave" can be described by some "voltage" or "current", which must be "measured"/"calculated"/de-embedded/etc in the correct manner. 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
那为什么还要使用lumped port呢,这是由于lumped port激励的添加简单,并且可获得良好的结果。如果频率很低或者激励加在足够小的区域上,“波”就可以用“电压”或“电流”来描述,必须用正确地方式测量、计算。 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
if the excitation can be applied on some locally uniform region=>waveport, 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
if geometry/material discontinuities are near/closer to the point of excitation=>lumped port might be the only way. 本文转自微波仿真论坛 
另外,如果激励可以加在某些局部均匀分布的区域,应该采用waveport,如果激励点附近存在几何或材料上的不连续区,lumped port可能就是唯一选择了。

full book上有很详细的介绍,可以看看.

full book我看了几遍,还是不太明白,遇到具体问题不是很清楚。而且10和11说法还不一样,关于积分线,终端线,很是苦恼。

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