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new in hfss 11

New in HFSS v11

  • New higher-order hierarchical basis functions combined with an iterative solver provides accurate fields, smaller meshes, and efficient solutions for large multi-wavelength structures.
  • Enhanced port solver: HFSS can simulate lower frequencies than before and will have a lower noise floor.
  • Floquet Ports: these periodic ports enable designers of phased-array antennas and frequency-selective surfaces to obtain separate fields into modes for better understanding and examine phase information for each mode.
  • Optimetrics?now offers genetic algorithm
  • New Auto-assign capability for terminals
  • Complex geometries solve 2-5X faster using half the memory with the new v11 fault tolerant, high-quality finite element mesher
  • Expanded Distributed Solve Option
    • Automatic Distributed Solve of discrete and interpolating frequency sweeps
    • Now available for parametric sweeps, optimization, sensitivity analysis, and statistical analysis
  • Improved Dynamic Links SIwave-HFSS and HFSS-HFSS
    • Link is now based on both E- and H-field; greater accuracy in case of enforced field in HFSS-HFSS link


    有phased-array antennas 的,正好有用挖



    Yes,HFSS V11 is good,I like it,waiting for the V12


