各位高手:nfmin 这个 是什么?
比如 nfmin[0] s11[0] 这个[ ] 是什么意思啊?
好像没见过 不知小编能否说清楚点呢
就是画图的时候 expression 里面的
比如要看nf 我们可以选nf(1) nf(2) or nfmin 这个时候选advanced 可以输入expression
eg. nfmin[0]
如果直接nfmin 就是 nfmin vs frequency
如果是nfmin[0] 就是 nfmin vs vds (我bias 那个hemt) 我用了两个parameter sweep 不知道和这个还有关系
The parameter nf(k) in the dataset is the noise figure at output port k. You can view results using the Data Display. The noise figure for each port will appear in the variables list as nf(1), nf(2), and so on. nf displays noise figures for all ports.
NFmin is the minimum noise figure that the circuit can produce, when the source has the optimum reflection coefficient Sopt.
you can see ads help files so that help you explain your question
sign "[ ]" sweep indexer, sweep generator
i think [ ] denotes the index for para sweep :-)
- nf,nf(1),nf(2),NFmin区别 (05-08)