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这两个软件都是基于Ardnt那个小组以mode matching为基本算法,结合了MoM和FEM等混合算法而开发出来的快速仿真软件。核心应该是一样的。流传很广的一个说法是,创立uWave的那帮人是因为和WASP那帮人吵了一架后自立门户出来的。上次有个以前在ANSOFT工作过的意大利大胖子跟我说过。




Mician uWave Wizard 6.6 is a design tool using the well-known fast and accurate Mode-Matching technique. This method is particularly suitable for simulation and optimization of passive microwave systems and components, including antennas. The mode matching method (MM) and their derivatives (i.e. the fast hybrid MM/boundary contour and the MM/2D-finite-element method) is the only method capable of simultaneously offering fastest processing speed and highest accuracy.
Mician’s software developers' secret for speed is to avoid the use of time consuming 3D solvers wherever possible and to focus on applying the Mode-Matching Technique and its derivatives instead, even on structures that at first glance seem to be suited for 3D solvers only. Yet, a 3D FEM solver on element level is available within the µWave Wizard for structures with very complex geometries or with features not feasible to be implemented in MM.
In addition to its fast and powerful numerical methods, the µWave Wizard offers an appealing and ergonomic GUI that enables flexibility and openness. The consequent implementation of the latest field theoretical and mathema tical approaches is Mician's challenge for the continuous enhancements of the µWave Wizard.
Typical applications for the µWave Wizard are complex passive waveguide components and structures like waveguide and combline filters, multiplexers, couplers, tapers, horn antennas and cluster feeds, OMTs, polarizers, etc. For these kinds of components, more than 250 waveguide, combline and coaxial line elements are available in our continuously expanding element library.
In order to simulate the response of a complex passive waveguide structure, it first has to be broken down into basic building blocks such as waveguides, discontinuities and special elements. These building blocks are part of the µWave Wizard waveguide component libraries. The program then calculates the scattering parameters for each individual building block and performs multi-modal element connections to simulate the response of the entire structure. The impact of higher order mode interactions is thereby strictly taken into account. The basic building block concept eliminates the need for creating a full-up 3D model of the entire structure. The dimensions of every element are conveniently parameterized and the initial design setup is completed within minutes. This feature enables the user to go directly from analysis to optimization by simply declaring specific dimensions as variable parameters to be optimized. The optimization control window is easy to navigate and facilitates the embedding of electrical specifications into the goal function.

WASP-NET (WAveguide Synthesis Program for waveguide NETworks)6.7是德国MIG公司的产品,MIG公司成立于1993年,自成立之日起,便与世界领导厂商建立起合作关系,在空间领域、无线通信和微波市场取得了巨大的成功,赢得了国际范围内的广泛认可。MIG公司由德国不来梅大学著名的Fritz Arndt教授创建。25年多来,Arndt和他的同事一直致力于波导类器件和天线的快速设计和仿真算法研究,在模式匹配和有限元、矩量法、差分方法的混合方面一直保持着世界领先的水平,Arndt教授一人已经发表了超过200篇的国际学术论文。WASP-NET在业内第一个采用了快速MM(模式匹配法)与FE(有限元)/ MoM (矩量法)/ FD (有限差分)4种方法的混合求解技术,即保证了求解精度和灵活性,又大大提高了效率。在WASP-NET中,一个典型的波导滤波器从设计、仿真到优化,在普通的PC机上仅仅需要不到10分钟的时间;一个带功分馈电网络的248槽波导缝隙行波阵列,在512MB内存的笔记本电脑上分析一个频点仅需60秒钟。

Mician Microwave Wizard 7.0 波导设计软件
微波向导( uWave Wizard ):将所要仿真的微波器件分离成“波导”+“不连续性”+“波导”+“不连续性”.级联网络,采用模式匹配法对其进行仿真,得出 3D 结构。可以对该结构进行优化设计。
带通滤波器综合向导:( Bandpass Filter Synthesis Wizard ):从滤波器指标(通带和阻带的 S21 特性)出发,选取滤波器类型(切比雪夫或最大平坦),向导自动给出滤波器原型,用户选择具体实现的硬件类型(同轴或波导、园形或方形、电容或电感膜片、单调谐或双调谐螺钉)等等,向导将自动给出整个滤波器的满足指标的最终结构。
梳状带通滤波器综合向导:( ComblineBandpass Filter Synthesis Wizard ):采用多重叠代的方法,可以引入附加零点,综合复杂的梳状滤波器。


感觉两者功能差不多 价格都很贵





这两个软件都是基于Ardnt那个小组以mode matching为基本算法,结合了MoM和FEM等混合算法而开发出来的快速仿真软件。核心应该是一样的。流传很广的一个说法是,创立uWave的那帮人是因为和WASP那帮人吵了一架后自立门户出来的。上次有个以前在ANSOFT工作过的意大利大胖子跟我说过。
