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现在没有直接的 S参数文件,需要自己建模仿真。

是不是采用ads中的Diode_Model模型 建立2个二极管模型?
可这两个模型怎么对接呢?糊涂了 3个端口 中间一个接地的
HSMP-382x Limited APLAC ModelD1uses the standard SPICE diode model, and is described by Is, N, and TT.Rs in the standard model is replaced by the external network of Rmin,Rmax, and Rvar. The parameters are for a single diode (HSMP-3800).Parameters also apply to the individual diodes within multiple diodeconfigurations.
Parameter unit description value
Rmax ohm maximum r.f. resistance 5000
Rmin ohm minimum r.f. resistance 0.35
K __ resistance curve fitting exponent 0.767
A __ resistance curve fitting exponent 0.00825
L nH connection inductance 2
C pF diode capacitiance at r.f. frequency 0.8
Is A diode saturation current 1.15E-11
N __ diode ideality factor 1.641
TT nsec transit time (carrier lifetime) 70

我也不知道 帮顶一下

有哪位达人做过二极管建模的啊 求救啊~~~~~


非常感谢 达人
能具体点么? 是采用Diode_Model 这个模型么,我现个不清楚应该采用哪个模型。
此外 3822一边中间是接地的,另一边2个脚一个是输入,一个是输出。
是不是在建模中中间那个直接接地,输入 输出的脚用term?
HSMP-382x Limited APLAC ModelD1 uses the standard SPICE diode model, and is described by Is, N, and TT. Rs in the standard model is replaced by the external network of Rmin, Rmax, and Rvar. The parameters are for a single diode (HSMP-3800). Parameters also apply to the individual diodes within multiple diode configurations.
Parameter unit description value
Rmax ohm maximum r.f. resistance 5000
Rmin ohm minimum r.f. resistance 0.35
K __ resistance curve fitting exponent 0.767
A __ resistance curve fitting exponent 0.00825
L nH connection inductance 2
C pF diode capacitiance at r.f. frequency 0.8
Is A diode saturation current 1.15E-11
N __ diode ideality factor 1.641
TT nsec transit time (carrier lifetime) 70


