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谁有FIDELITY Manual - Case Study

谁有FIDELITY Manual - Case Study的详细内容,我这里只有它的说明啊,郁闷
FIDELITY Manual - Case Study is designed to analyze more complicated typical structures that are either published in recent technical literatures or from the courtesy of our valued customers. The selected examples include:
  • A 4-port Microstrip Coupler
  • A 5-port Power Divider
  • A DSG Low Pass Filter
  • A Coaxial-fed Planar Antenna
  • A Rectangular Waveguide Filter
  • A SAM Phantom with Generic Phone

All the above examples are elaborated from structure modeling to result display. Besides the information about how to correctly set up your structure with FIDELITY, the technical analysis from the electromagnetic point of view is also provided, which is sometimes crucial for obtaining satisfactory simulation results.
Learning this manual will not only help you quickly become a FIDELITY expert, but also provide you in-depth knowledge about numerical modeling with FDTD method.

