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我在IE3D只要画一个正六边形,基中的starting point的参数怎么设呀,弄了很久,没明白

对方向没要求的话,你直接点ok就行了,不用管starting point,如果希望形状旋转一个角度则就要设置 starting point,关于这个参数请看下面的说明,我懒得写就直接摘抄了:
The starting point is not measured in degrees. It is measured in segments. For example, if we choose the Number of Segments for Circle = 16, each segment corresponds to 90/4 = 22.5 degrees. If we specify the starting point as 1.5, then the actual angle is 22.5 by 3 / 2 = 33.75 degrees.
