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Help to Download CST MAFIA

Hi, I am chinese studying in Oversea. I urgently need CST MAFIA for my Coursework. Those have it, can you please share? I am willing to pay reward for that.

I will need it to for Low Frequency Transient Application.

I do not know how to download CST Mifia,u can learn of it from moderate

you can use CST Particle Studio instead.

CST MAFIA had already been seperated to four softwares: CST MicroWave Studio(CST MWS), CST ElectroMagnetic Studio(CST EMS), CST Design Studio(CST DS), CST Particle Studio(CST PS). All of them have different uses. you can explain your use in detail then we can help you to choose one softwave,maybe CST PS or CST EMS,maybe CST EMS is more suitiable.
