Which Hardware could be recommended?
As PC-assemblies have some risk (e.g. memory-speed is not fitting to motherboard, etc), we recommend to buy a complete package from a brandname manufacturer (DELL, HP, IBM).
The attached pdf-document contains a package with well-selected components, working together properly.
It contains the INTEL BENSLEY platform with the processor names "Dempsey" (50xx) or "Woodcrest" (51xx). This INTEL platform is available since mid of year 2006. It overcomes the Memory bandwidth limitation of older 64 bit systems, namely the speed of the data transfer between memory and cpu. We recommend considering this processor for the usage of CST STUDIO SUITE™.
In 2007, Intel releases Quad-Core Dual-Cpu Systems, also called "Clovertown". These systems can be recommended, if both sockets (both cpus) are equipped with a fast FSB, as shown in the following specifications:
Quad Core Intel® Xeon® 5345 (2,33 GHz, 2x4 MB Cache, 1333 MHz FSB)
Quad Core Intel® Xeon® 5355 (2,66 GHz, 2x4 MB Cache, 1333 MHz FSB)
NOTE: CST assumes no liability for any problem due to following the hardware recommendation.
As PC-assemblies have some risk (e.g. memory-speed is not fitting to motherboard, etc), we recommend to buy a complete package from a brandname manufacturer (DELL, HP, IBM).
The attached pdf-document contains a package with well-selected components, working together properly.
It contains the INTEL BENSLEY platform with the processor names "Dempsey" (50xx) or "Woodcrest" (51xx). This INTEL platform is available since mid of year 2006. It overcomes the Memory bandwidth limitation of older 64 bit systems, namely the speed of the data transfer between memory and cpu. We recommend considering this processor for the usage of CST STUDIO SUITE™.
In 2007, Intel releases Quad-Core Dual-Cpu Systems, also called "Clovertown". These systems can be recommended, if both sockets (both cpus) are equipped with a fast FSB, as shown in the following specifications:
Quad Core Intel® Xeon® 5345 (2,33 GHz, 2x4 MB Cache, 1333 MHz FSB)
Quad Core Intel® Xeon® 5355 (2,66 GHz, 2x4 MB Cache, 1333 MHz FSB)
NOTE: CST assumes no liability for any problem due to following the hardware recommendation.
CST2006B仰賴的是計算機匯流排頻寬/速度,所以要FSB 1333,至於是不是Xeon並非重點,更神的是
會藉用高階繪圖卡的運算能力!?這點倒是尚未見識到,(覺得有替ATI V7350做廣告的嫌疑)..
P.S CST原廠是認為真正的多路核心運算才是可以達到平行運算的效能,一體多核心的?目前還語帶保留.
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