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Working with Variables

A variable is a numerical value, mathematical expression, or mathematical function that can be assigned to a design parameter in HFSS. You can assign a variable to any dimension or material property, or output value. Variables are useful in the following situations:

• You expect to change a parameter often.

• You expect to use the same parameter value often.

• You intend to run a parametric analysis, in which you specify a series of variable values within a range to solve.

• You intend to optimize a parameter value by running an optimization analysis.

• You intend to run a convergence on an output variable.

• You intend to calculate derivatives for variables.

• You intend to animate a plot against a variable.

There are two types of variables in HFSS:


Related Topics

Defining an Expression

Defining Mathematical Functions

Assigning Variables

Specify Expressions for Adaptive Convergence

Specifying Output Variables

Using Optimetrics for Design Analysis

Choosing a Variable to Optimize

Selecting Objects by Variable

Exporting Variables for Documentation

Viewing Variables