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Zooming In or Out on a Rectangular Area

To magnify or shrink a specific rectangular area in the view window:


1. Click View>Interaction>Zoom In or View>Interaction>Zoom Out.

• Alternatively, right-click in the view window, and then click View>Zoom In or View>Zoom Out on the shortcut menu.

2. Use the mouse to draw a rectangle (or square) by selecting two diagonally opposite corners.

This is the area of magnification that will be increased or decreased.

The rectangular area is magnified or decreases in size.

When zooming on a view of model objects, the absolute size of the model does not change.

When zooming on a 2D report, axis labels and ticks will adjust after the zoom operation is complete.

3. To end Zoom mode, click View>Interaction>Zoom In or View>Interaction>Zoom Out or press ESC.

Related Topics

Zooming In and Out

Fitting Objects in the View Window