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Specifying Solution Settings

Specify how HFSS or HFSS-IE will compute a solution by adding a solution setup to the design. You can define more than one solution setup per design.


Each solution setup includes the following information:

• General data about the solution’s generation.

• Adaptive mesh refinement parameters, if you want the mesh to be refined iteratively in areas of highest error.

• If you want to solve of a range of frequencies, you can add a frequency sweep.

What do you want to do?

Add a Solution Setup to an HFSS Design

Add an Solution Setup to an HFSS-IE Design

Add a Solution Setup to an HFSS Transient Design

For large problems, depending the whether the solution involves a parameter sweep and your resources of shared machine memory, networked cores and cores per computing node, you can configure for different high performance computing solutions:


Additionally, a command line Large Scale DSO is used for 'large scale parallel' jobs, which either fail or scale poorly as Regular DSO jobs. A Large Scale DSO job does not support the output of full parametric results, but produces 'reduced' datasets corresponding to predefined Rectangular plots.

Related Topics

Defining Mesh Operations

Configure Distributed Memory Solutions for HFSS