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Setting the Maximum Number of Passes

The Maximum Number of Passes value is the maximum number of mesh refinement cycles that you would like HFSS to perform. This value is a stopping criterion for the adaptive solution; if the maximum number of passes has been completed, the adaptive analysis stops. If the maximum number of passes has not been completed, the adaptive analysis will continue unless the convergence criteria are reached.

To set the maximum number of passes for an adaptive analysis:

• Under the General tab of the Solution Setup dialog box, enter a value for Maximum Number of Passes.

For driven problems HFSS always requiring at least one adaptive pass. Entering 1 will bypass adaptive analysis, generating a solution only at the solution frequency you specified.


The size of the finite element mesh — and the amount of memory required to generate a solution — increases with each adaptive refinement of the mesh. Setting the maximum number of passes too high can result in HFSS requesting more memory than is available or taking excessive time to compute solutions.

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