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Setting Fields Reporter Options

To set the Fields Reporter options:

1. Click Tools>Options>Fields Reporter Options.

The Fields Reporter Options dialog opens with the Phase Animation tab selected.

2. Specify whether to Group Field Overlays by Type (default, yes).

3. Set the default Phase Animation settings for Scalar Plots and Vector Plots.

Each of these accepts values for From and To in degrees, and the number of steps.

4. Click the Mesh Plot tab to set when dragging the clip plane, to update the plot dynamically Never, Always or When the number of mesh elements is less that a value (default 5000).

5. Click the Streamline tab to set the two Streamline drawing stopping criteria and the Streamline marker spacing.

The Streamline drawing stopping criteria are:

Fields magnitude on a streamline data point is <percentage> of maximum field value of entire model.

Streamline length is higher than <value> times of diagonal length of model bounding box.

The streamline marker spacing the Number of markers per bounding box diagonal.

6. Click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog.

Related Topics

Creating Phase Animations

Plotting the Mesh