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Selecting a Function for a Plot

The value of a quantity being plotted depends upon its mathematical function, which you select from the Trace tab Function list in the Report dialog box. The available, valid functions depend on the type of quantity (real or complex) that is being plotted. The function is applied to the quantity which is implicitly defined by all the swept and current variables. For example, "S(11)" is the value of the S-parameter for every swept combination of variables (e.g., "height", "frequency" and so forth). (A smaller set of functions appears for the Function list in the Output Variables dialog.)

These functions can also be applied to previously specified Quantities and Functions as Range Functions when using the Set Range Function dialog.

Some of these functions can operate along an entire curve. These are: deriv, min, max, integ, avg, rms, pk2pk, cang_deg and cang_rad. These functions have syntax as follows:

• deriv(quantity) implicitly implies derivative over the primary sweep

• deriv(quantity, SweepVariable) explicitly means derivative over the sweep variable specified in the second argument (such as "Freq").

You can select from the following functions in the Trace tab Function list or type them directly into the Yor X field, if necessary.


Related Topics

Add Trace Characteristics

Set Range Function