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Selecting Edges

If the modeler is in edge selection mode, simply click an object’s edge in the view window and it will be selected. To select multiple edges, hold the CTRL key as you click the edges.

When the mouse hovers over an edge in the view window, that edge is highlighted, which indicates that it will be selected when you click. Selected edges become the color specified under the Display tab of the Modeler Options dialog box. All other objects become relatively transparent.

Switch to edge selection mode using one of the following methods:

• From the menu bar, click Edit>Select>Edges

• Press the “E” key to enter edge selection mode.

• Select Edge from the pull-down list in the 3D Modeler Selection toolbar.

Selecting an edge enables the following toolbar icons.



You can use these icons to modify the current selection.

• Select edge chain selects the edges that touch the selected edge.

• Select connected faces selects faces touching to the current selection.

• Select connected edges selects the edges that touch the current selection.

• Select vertices selects the vertices of the selected edge or edges.

Related Topics

Moving Edges Along the Normal

Selecting All Faces of an Object

Selecting the Face or Object Behind

Selecting Faces by Name

Selecting Faces by Plane

Creating a Face List

Select Vertices

Select Multi (a mode for selecting objects, faces, edges or vertices)