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Running an Optimetrics Analysis

Once you have created all necessary Optimetrics based analyses, you have several options for running the simulations.

• To use the Analyze All command at the Project or design level to simulate the nominal problem and subsequently run all Optimetrics setups, do the following:

1. In the Project Manager window, right-click on the project or design name.

2. Click Analyze All from the shortcut menu.

• To use the Analyze All command from the Optimetrics menu to simulate only the Optimetrics based setups, do the following:

1. In the Project Manager window, right-click on Optimetrics.

2. Click Analyze>All from the shortcut menu.

• You can choose to analyze only the setups related to a specific Optimetrics type of analysis. In order to simulate setups of a specific type, do the following:

1. In the Project Manager window, right-click on Optimetrics.

2. Click Analyze>All {TYPE} from the shortcut menu where TYPE is the specific analysis type of interest, Parametric, Optimization, Sensitivity, or Statistical.