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Modifying SAR Settings

HFSS uses default specific absorption rate (SAR) settings when creating a local SAR or average SAR field overlay plot. It does use mass density for each material if defined for each material. Otherwise (that is, if the mass density for that library material is 0), the density in the Specific Absorbtion Rate Setting dialog will be used. To change the default settings:

1. Click HFSS>Fields>SAR Setting.

The Specific Absorption Rate Setting dialog box appears.

2. In the Material Density text box, enter the mass density of the dielectric material in g/cm3.

3. In the Mass of Tissue text box, enter the mass of the material that surrounds each mesh point. This can be a value between 1 and 10.

4. Click OK.

Related Topics

Viewing and Modifying Material Attributes

Technical Notes: Calculating the SAR