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Maximum Delta S

For designs with ports.

The delta S is the change in the magnitude of the S-parameters between two consecutive passes. If the magnitude and phase of all S-parameters change by an amount less than the Maximum Delta S Per Pass value from one iteration to the next, the adaptive analysis stops. Otherwise, it continues until the requested number of passes is completed.

For example, if you specify 0.1 as the Maximum Delta S Per Pass, HFSS continues to refine the mesh until the number of requested passes is completed or until the magnitude of the complex delta of all S-parameters changes by less than 0.1.

The maximum delta S is defined as





• i and j cover all matrix entries.

• N represents the pass number.


Delta S is computed on the appropriate S-parameters - modal or terminal - after the S-parameters have been de-embedded and renormalized.

Related Topics

Viewing the Maximum Magnitude of Delta S Between Passes