Glossary of Terms
cost function |
In an optimization setup, a cost function is based on goal values specified for at least one solution quantity. Optimetrics changes the design parameter values to fulfill the cost function. The cost function can be based on any solution quantity that HFSS can compute, such as field values, S-parameters, and eigenmode data. |
design variation |
A single combination of variable values that is solved during a parametric or optimization setup. |
Euler Angles |
Euler angles are used in Ansoft software to carry out a coordinate transformation from one coordinate system to another. The Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Euler first developed the classical rotation theorem to describe rotations in 3D space. The angles used are Euler angles and can be used to describe any 3D rotation. These angles, given by (ö, è, ø) represent a series of sequential rotations about two axis of the coordinate system. The first rotation (ö) represents a rotation about the Z-axis of the source coordinate system (X, Y, Z) which results in an intermediate coordinate system denoted by (X’’, Y’’, Z’’). The second rotation (è) represents a rotation of the intermediate coordinate system about the X’’-axis, again resulting in an intermediate coordinate system denoted by (X’, Y’, Z’). The third and final rotation (ø) represents a rotation about the Z’-axis of the intermediate coordinate system. The final rotation completes the rotation and results in the “target” coordinate system denoted (X, Y, Z). For further information see, Eric W. Weisstein, “Euler Angles.” From MathWorld – A Wolfram Web Resource. . |
goal |
In an optimization setup, a goal is the value of a solution quantity that you want to be achieved during the optimization. A goal is represented as one row in the cost function table. Each cost function defined in an optimization setup must include at least one goal.
nominal design |
The original model on which Optimetrics analyses are based. |
sweep definition |
See variable sweep definition. |
variable sweep definition |
A set of variable values within a range that Optimetrics drives HFSS to solve when a parametric setup is analyzed. A parametric setup can include one or more sweep definitions. |