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Feedback Iterator

The Workbench supported two-way loose coupling protocol with ANSYS Electromagnetics products in R14.

• SystemCoupling already uses the word coupling to mean low-level solver coupling. Existing EBU coupling is loose when compared to SystemCoupling and is limited to file-transfers at the end of a complete solve in a stand-alone system/product. No communication occurs during a solve.

• The coupling is two-way

The one way portion (Upstream source component to Downstream target component) is handled via existing workbench data/transfer connection mechanism.

The round trip is handled by a separate protocol agreed upon by the participating systems when the downstream system exports a set of file to a location specified by the upstream system (via its one way transfer). This exported data is then incorporated by the upstream system in its next update.

If the user chooses to run the next coupled solve iteration, he invoked the Enable Update Gui operation as shown below and then updates all systems involved. These steps (Enable Update, Update Project) are continued as long as needed

The Feedback Iterator System

Feedback Iterator in Use

Feedback Iterator Component Properties

Feedback Iterator GUI Operations

Callback Interface

Example Scenarios for Feedback Iterator