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Distributed Analysis

Distributed analysis allows users to split certain types of analyses and solve each portion of an analysis simultaneously on multiple machines. Simulation times can be greatly decreased by using this feature.

HFSS and HFSS-IE support different forms of distributed analysis:

• Distributing rows of a parametric table, either as a regular DSO, or as Large Scale DSO performed through command line. Large Scale DSO generates a reduced set of outputs.

• Distributing array solves.

• Distributing domain solves.

• Distributing a single or discrete interpolating sweep.


Communication between machines in remote analysis and distributed analysis can drastically affect performance. Use of a high-speed network system, like Gigabit or Infiniband, is recommended for optimal performance.

Related Topics

Configuring Distributed Analysis

Editing Distributed Machine Configurations

HFSS Options: Solver Tab

Selecting an Optimal Configuration for Distributed Analysis

Large Scale DSO for Parametric Analysis