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Creating Animations

An animated plot is a series of frames that displays a field, mesh, or geometry at varying values. To create an animated plot, you specify the values of the plot that you want to include, just as an animator takes snapshots of individual drawings that make up a cartoon. Each value is a frame in the animation. You specify how many frames to include in the animation.


Each animation frame requires memory for storage which depends upon the mesh size and type of plot. Memory usage may become very large during plot animations. To reduce memory usage, specify the minimum number of frames possible. See General Options for more information.


If animation is slow, especially for complex models, for some graphics cards, you can improve performance by setting NVIDIA Control Panel>3D Settings>Manage 3D Settings Global Settings>Global Presets: Workstation App - Dynamic Streaming

You can export the animation to animated Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) or to Audio Video Interleave (AVI) format.

Related Topics

General Options: Miscellaneous Options Tab

Creating Phase Animations

Creating Frequency Animations

Creating Geometry Animations

Controlling the Animations Display

Exporting Animations